Nano Demos at Sony Wonder Technology Lab for NanoDays
Earlier this year we celebrate NanoDays 2015 at the Sony Wonder Technology Lab with a fun day full of educational exhibits about nanoscale science and engineering.

Note: I was invited as media to this event. No other compensation was received. Any personal views expressed are always 100% my own.

We started learning about Nanos in the Sony Theater with watching mini films introducing to a nano and learning how they affect our world. It's amazing the different areas nano technology is used and we don't even notice.

During one of the interactive exhibits, we learned how nano technology helps keeps clothing water resistant. My son was able to test nano fabric against plain fabric to see how this technology works.

At another station we learned about heat and how we keep computers from over heating. My son was able to take part in another hands on experiment to see how this idea works in real life.
There's lots to learn how nano technology and how it can affect our lives now and in the future. While NanoDays is over, the Sony Wonder Technology Lab offers hands on nano demos. Make sure to catch the next upcoming one
Saturday, August 29, 2015
1-3 p.m.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
1-3 p.m.
Just HOW small is small? Join us to uncover the fascinating world of nanoscience and nanotechnology and participate in hands-on activities that explore the properties, structures, materials and scale of this exciting field of science. No reservation required. All activities require general admission tickets to the Lab which can be obtained same day on a walk-up basis. Best suited for ages 6 and up.
The Sony Wonder Technology Lab is located at 550 Madison Avenue in New York City and is open to the public Tuesdays-Saturdays, from 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., with the last museum entrance at 5:00 p.m. each day.
All activities require general admission, which is FREE.
For more information about the Sony Wonder Technology Lab, visit