
A day of not Apple Picking, Pumpkin Sitting and Creepy Corn Mazes

By 10/22/2021 05:34:00 AM

Fall weekends are made for outside activities, so we headed upstate for an apple picking adventure. Which is sorta a side eye activity, since my son can't actually eat apples.

My son is allergic to apples, but he still enjoys the "picking" part, so we met up with friends at Fishkill Farms for a group playdate.

And what a fun day of doing all the things, except what we planned.

Well that's not really true, we did attempt to pick some apples. But I think our group got a bit overwhelmed with the apple area. There were so many different apple varities for picking. And rows and rows and rows.

At a certain point, we collectively decided we made a good effort and moved on to the others area. Next up? Corn maze!

Now let me start by saying. No way was I going in there.

But after all the kids went in, had fun running around and came back out, the pressure was on me. So I braved it and stepped in. Thankfully my son and the other kids walked me in and shouted encouragement and instructions along the way.

I confess I might have speed walked my way around and out the corn maze. But hey I did it. On to the pumpkin patch!

So the plan was to pick up a pumpkin to bring home. But with kids plans are clearly flexible. They walked all around the pumpkin patch picking out large pumpkins, small pumpkins, pumpkins with snails on them. And after all that, no one came home with a pumpkin!

But I did get a nice mom and son photo sitting on a pumpkin. So still a win?

After all that walking, I was ready for a hayride. Thankfully the rides come quickly and offer room to spread out, so you can see everything.

Such great view! Which I tried to enjoy kid free. Seems my son had other ideas. Still the ride was great and we got a full view of the farm and all the different fruits, veggies and animals (honey bees! chickens!) there.

I would've loved to take another ride, but it was time to head out! Even though our day didn't go as planned, no apple donuts for me, we really enjoyed our time at the farm with friends.

How is your family enjoying the Fall weekends?

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  1. This looks like so much fun! I love going to pumpkin patches and apple orchards and going for a hayride! We didn't get a chance to do this with our three year old daughter yet, but we will one day! This year we went to a farm stand to get our pumpkins and apples.

  2. We enjoyed pumpkin picking, decorating for Halloween and picking costumes. This weekend is homecoming.

    Corn mazes are NOT for me. O don't like anything creepy or scarey, we put the HAPPY in Halloween

  3. This is all my favorite things in one day. I haven't met anyone allergic to apples. That must be hard!
